Free Islamic
Activities for Kids

Download. Discover. Do.


Al-Aqsa & The Land of the Prophets

Al-Aqsa holds significance in Islam as the third holiest site and the land of prophets, symbolizing spiritual and historical lineage in Islam.

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The Prophet Yusuf's 
Amazing Investment

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) in Islam is renowned for his wisdom in managing Egypt's resources, exemplifying prudent investment and foresight.


Dua for Protection

Stay Safe

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Home Progress Kit

Get Stuff Done

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Arabic Handwriting

It helps your Arabic Reading!

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Allah Made (Game)

A memory game with a difference

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A fun game to play in any home

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Tell Me About Ramadan

An introduction for every child

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Al-Aqsa & The Land of the Prophets

A slice of our popular books!

Kid with Quran 1.png__PID:b34ea45b-66be-46ac-9542-22acc4c78f36Download

Eid Celebration Pack

Get Stuff Done

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Arabic Alphabet Pack

It helps your Arabic Reading!

Arabic Letters 1.png__PID:8c4cb34e-a45b-46be-a6ac-154222acc4c7Download

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